Tuesday, April 15, 2008


OCCD - A disease that has a healthy percentage of the world population under its clutches. Hereditary in nature, it mainly affects the female of the species, with close to 98% of the cases leading to infections lasting a life time. The male of the species is somehow amazingly resistant/resilient to effects of this deadly strain.

Obsessive Compulsive Cleaning Disorder, OCCD for short, is one of the most comical yet (maybe) the most deadly of various strains of infectious diseases known to man-kind (not necessarily woman-kind). The symptoms of this disease are quite easy to spot. The person shows a maniacal zeal and fervour to the process of cleaning and the art of keeping things clean. Researchers have yet been unable to figure out whether this is an illness of the mind or the body. But, all evidence seems to point to the former. Though a permanent cure has not and may never be found, researchers have been able to formulate a remedy that at least seems to have some effect in stunting the growth of the disease and to an extent, ameliorate it.

A case study conducted seems to confirm the above postulate. A female was chosen as the subject to increase the chances of finding the disease quickly. Careful study and analysis done over a period of one month has led me (and fellow researchers, who shall remain anonymous for safety reasons!) to the conclusion that the subject in question has undoubtedly been under the influence of the disease for such a long period of time that medication that we administered was only able to stunt the growth of the illness and un-fortunately, could not ameliorate it.

We promise that we'll keep on working on this interesting research problem until a cure is found!

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